
Don’t worry – we aren’t here to judge! In our book, any thank-yous, high-fives, fist bumps, positive emails, or words of encouragement are positive and beneficial. However, there are a few simple tips to make the most out of your employee recognition. Nonprofit employees are notorious for busting their behinds, so you want your team to notice that you noticed!

So next time you are crafting your employee recognition plan, keep these 5 tips in mind:

  1. Don’t hesitate! Time matters. If you want to recognize a job well-done, do it that day. Don’t wait until the end of the week, or even worse, your yearly award banquet. Frequent, small boosts of employee recognition are much more effective.
  2. Be open. Let others know who is being recognized and for what – employees, volunteers, and donors alike. It’s important to share who is impacting your organization and the awesome results of their dedication.
  3. Keep it simple. A complicated employee recognition plan is too much for anyone to undertake. Electronic employee recognition tools keep costs down and keep you focused on your A game.
  4. Be specific. In donor thank yous, include their gift amount; for volunteers, include their total hours for the project; and for employees, let them know exactly how they went above and beyond.
  5. Eliminate favoritism. Don’t single out individuals or certain groups of people. Recognize everyone for their contributions. No donation is too small or task is too mundane. Acknowledge all of the support you receive.

Want to see the impact employee recognition can have on your organization? View our infographic to see the numbers for yourself!


Sign up for Teamphoria employee recognition software today!

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