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Employee Performance Review Examples & Templates

At Teamphoria, we are employee performance review experts. With hundreds of clients we?ve seen it all! Today we are sharing some of the top employee performance review examples from current trends.

  • Conversation focused reviews: Companies are stepping away from the traditional 1-5 scale. A lot of times employees have no idea what the scale even means. Go for more open ended questions rather than scale to start conversations with managers and their direct reports.conversation employee review templateemployee review template conversation focusedexample conversation employee review template



  • Reviews tied to company core values: Sure performance is important, but is your employee aligned with your company?s core values? We suggest a section dedicated to core values and a place for managers and peers to provide examples. example core value employee review templatecore value employee review template


  • Superhero review: This is one of our favorites! Again, instead of using the boring 1-5 scale, use creative comparisons such as superhero qualities. Let?s face it who doesn?t want a company full of superheros!super hero employee review templateemployee review template with super hero examples


  • Monthly Check-ins: Throw out the annual performance reviews all together and switch to monthly check-ins. This allows for consistent open feedback between managers and direct reports.example of monthly check in employee review templateemployee review template for monthly check ins

Ready to update your employee performance review templates and process? Reach out to one of our performance review specialists or sign up for our free performance management software to get started!