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Clash of the Generations: How to Manage Different Generations in the Workforce

For the first time in history, we are managing 4 to 5 distinct generations. People are living longer and working longer. Knowing the values and interests of each generation will aid managers in managing, motivating, leading, retaining, and engaging.


So how do you motivate each of these different generations in the workforce?


BABY BOOMERS (1946-1964)

Baby Boomers are motivated by money, title, and recognition. They are the generation that wants the corner office and to be distinguished from the rest of the pack. Some Baby Boomers are starting to enter the retirement mentality and wanting to slow down, but others don?t plan on going anywhere.


GENERATION X (1965-1980)

For Generation X, freedom is the ultimate reward. They are motivated by flexible leave, flexible dress code, and freedom in work duties. Generation X is all about work/life balance.?


MILLENNIALS (1981-1999)

Millennials are motivated by work that has meaning. They are all about that work hard, play hard mentality and want a fun place to work. Millennials work best in teams with peers rather than alone.


Ready to find out how Teamphoria can help you manage, motivate, and engage team members from every generation? Sign up for Teamphoria?s employee engagement software and your first 5 employees are free!