Your Employee Suggestion Box is Broken and Teamphoria Will Replace It!

Remember when you used your Razr phone way longer than you should have, and then you finally got a smartphone and it blew your mind? Or when you kept buying MP3s until you realized Spotify was way cheaper and better?

If you’re walking past an old-school metal suggestion box that’s begging for attention, you’re on the verge of one of those moments. Like the toaster or elevator, the actual technology behind the traditional suggestion box hasn’t changed much since the dawn of the industrial revolution – and that’s just sad.

Avoid Technology Inertia

The suggestion box is broken, and terribly. When was the last time you, or anyone else, actually put something in it? Did it get read by leadership? Does anyone else feel the same way? So many questions with very few answer.

Let’s face it: Nobody uses them. Nobody reads what goes in them. There is no accountability, visibility, or community. An employee-focused tool should be all of those things, and in our smartphone-focused world, it should absolutely be digital.

That’s why the suggestion box is ripe for a reboot, and thanks to a new breed of talent management and employee communication software platforms, the change is here. It’s time to throw your sad, broken suggestion box into the dumpster, and pick up a digital solution that will encourage participation, contribution, and ultimately change – after all, that’s what it’s all about.

So get going – find a tool that works, and move into the future. Your employees will thank you for it, and I have a feeling your customers and bottom line will too.

Want to get the suggestions flowing today? Check out Teamphoria, where suggestions, ideas, and vents can be collected, discussed, and measured along with employee recognition, employee engagement, and company culture. Sign up for free today!

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Chad Norman: Check the latest post posted by Chad Norman. Post is related to 360 performance review software,annual performance review template,culture,employee engagement,employee evaluation form..
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