The 2018 Business of Airports Conference was held in Portland Oregon this year. Teamphoria co-founder, Andrew Strickland, spoke with Paul Letson, a Senior Consultant at Gallup, about employee engagement and culture. Paul from Gallup started the presentation with the basics of engagement and the impact it has on the bottom line, as well as Read More

  Our Culture Baseline Assessment measures employee engagement within your organization based off of 10 core elements of employee engagement. These 10 questions are set, but you have the option to add 2 additional questions customized to your organization. After your employee survey has been launched and completed, our team will analyze your results and Read More

For the first time in history, we are managing 4 to 5 distinct generations. People are living longer and working longer. Knowing the values and interests of each generation will aid managers in managing, motivating, leading, retaining, and engaging. So how do you motivate each of these different generations in the workforce?   BABY BOOMERS Read More

Remember when you used your Razr phone way longer than you should have, and then you finally got a smartphone and it blew your mind? Or when you kept buying MP3s until you realized Spotify was way cheaper and better? If you’re walking past an old-school metal suggestion box that’s begging for attention, you’re on Read More

Ten thousand baby boomers retire every single day. That’s a lot of big, experienced shoes to fill in the workplace. It’s no wonder that attracting top talent is frequently cited as one of the biggest concerns of today’s CEOs — particularly when those CEOs are scouring for that talent among millennials. This misunderstood and heavily Read More

We brought together global experts from across the US and world!   Check out our previously recorded webinar where our panelists discuss the following topics:  What is employee engagement?  What makes employee engagement vital to a company’s success?  What is the ROI of employee engagement?  How can you improve your organization’s employee engagement?   Request Read More

    According to a recent Gallup survey, 43% of employed Americans spend at least part of their time working remotely and that number is still on the rise. With that many employees in the workforce working remotely, keeping those employees engaged has become a top priority for business leaders. Check out our five tips Read More

I don’t mean to be a Negative Nancy, but I’m going to go there, let’s talk about the dark stuff. There’s no reason to sugar coat it; work is inherently stressful. There are deadlines, budgets, people, decisions – no matter how much you love your job, from time to time, there’s going to be something Read More

  Teamphoria’s UK partner CulturVate landed our newest customer, the UK National Health Service (NHS) one of the largest employers in the UK. NHS selected Teamphoria and CulturVate to help boost internal communications. They will introduce the Teamphoria platform to their workforce as a mechanism to build, measure and grow the internal corporate culture. The Read More

It’s a question that’s asked a lot: How can I be happy at work? or, How can I make my employees be happy at work? It’s asked over and over because it’s important: research shows that most people are actually less stressed out at work than they are at home. A company’s culture is a Read More