Teamphoria takes its employee engagement software to Australia, Great Britain, and Canada through channel reseller partnerships, distribution agreements, and direct sales. Teamphoria announces their entrance to the international market by inking partnership with Corporate Edge, a leading human resources consultancy in Australia. Corporate Edge is now offering Teamphoria, employee engagement and company culture management software, Read More

A better way to reward your employees. Have you ever wanted to reward your team members for all the awesome work they’re being recognized for in Teamphoria? Now you can with our new rewards feature! We’ve partnered with Tango Card, a leading digital gift card provider, to convert Teamphoria employee engagement points to real e-gift card Read More

As Arlie Hochschild, a sociologist and author, wrote in her 1997 book Time Bind: Home had become work and work had become home. The importance of a good company culture now has research backing it up. In offices with good company culture, employees are happy to come to work. Recent studies only prove that the Read More

Passion is the difference between having a job and having a career.  We’ve broken down the difference between a job and a career below in this handy infographic.   About Teamphoria Teamphoria is employee engagement software that builds and measures an engaged workforce and healthy company culture. It’s the first software platform to provide real-time Read More

It doesn’t matter if your employee recognition program is rewards-based, digital, or done in skywriting, it still takes continuous effort to keep everyone dishing out the praise. When an employee recognition program first launches at a company, the enthusiasm can quickly wane due to fatigue, busyness, and lack of follow-through. To be successful, companies have Read More

An employee work anniversary can be more than just face cake in the breakroom. In addition to quotes, images, and messages, you can use Teamphoria to make work anniversaries happy for employees. Your Time in the Spotlight: Everyone loves to be appreciated, especially on their work anniversary. In Teamphoria work anniversaries populate on the Activity Read More

The new year is almost here and your resolution should be to create and grow a company culture of feedback in 2018. Companies are using feedback to grow their teams and organizations, and even for individual growth. So what initiatives are companies taking in 2018?   Employee Recognition: Give positive feedback through employee recognition. Make Read More

      “Research indicates that workers have three prime needs: Interesting work, recognition for doing a good job, and being let in on things that are going on in the company.” – Zig Ziglar     “There are only three measurements that tell you nearly everything you need to know about your organization’s overall Read More

Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone! We thought you and your team might want to share some love at your workplace today with culture candy hearts. Here are some sweet personalized treats you can send via email, text, or IM. Great peeps don’t go unnoticed, so share some love today! This candy heart is for the Engagement Read More

  Stop with the generic employee recognitions: Recognition for “Employee of the Month” is a thing of the past. Let your team members know what they are doing well instead of recognizing them for a generic award. Team members will feel more satisfied knowing why they are being recognized and will more likely repeat those Read More