Whether it’s professional or personal, technology has definitely changed the way we live day-to-day. An iPhone is a thousand times faster than the computer that got us to the moon. Our means of communicating with each other is getting better and faster every year. So no matter how you connect, most of us are constantly plugged in. I was hard pressed to find an industry that didn’t use technology, and I’m especially confident saying that since you’re reading the Teamphoria blog, even you are using technology.
All of this change has radically influenced the way we work… But is it a good or bad thing?
System Requirements
Today, a majority of employers want to be able to reach their team as soon as possible – often that’s through email. There’s only 5% of workers who won’t check their email after hours no matter what the company’s expectations or policy may be.
Inbox (!!)
Have you ever gotten a work email in the evening and had it bother you until you handled it? If you have, you’re likely to be more stressed out than your colleague who didn’t. Employees who admitted they never checked their emails admitted that they didn’t often feel stressed – 64% were stress free!
Are You Sure You Want To Delete?
Before you delete your mail accounts from your phone, the same Gallup poll found that those same workers who were stressed out were more likely to rate themselves as “thriving.”
So while they may be stressed out, working hard means you can play hard. Not all stress is bad stress, so bask in the productive energy!
Here are some tips to avoid Mobile Burnout:
Limit the time you’re checking your email off the clock.
Try to keep it within normal working hours: do you have a client in another time zone? Check your email once around 7 PM for that client in Melbourne or the satellite office in California.
If it’s not crucial, have it wait until you’re in the office next.
Just because you’re connected, doesn’t mean that you have to respond. Try to know the difference between something that needs a response and something that can wait until you’re fresh in the morning.
Give yourself time to recharge.
Set your phone to Do Not Disturb, mute it, or set it down in another part of the house for the evening. Take some time off the grid to recharge!
For more information on our employee engagement software, check out Teamphoria (available from your mobile device) or Sign Up for free today!
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