Employee Engagement through Open Organizational Communication

Creating a culture of open, clear, and transparent communication is a daily struggle for every organization. With Teamphoria, you can define and manage communication channels between team members and leadership in one place.

Facilitate Open Communication

  • Give team members the tools they need to know how and when to communicate with leadership through Ask a Question, Vent a Frustration, and Make a Suggestion.
  • Rate Your Day allows you to keep a pulse on your entire organization by collecting daily statistics on happiness ratings.
  • Reviewers have access to review and reply to all communication types in one place, with filters and keyword searches to help organize and manage.

Customize Modules to Fit Your Needs

  • Our communication tools are completely flexible to meet the needs of your organization.
  • Build your own modules, forums, or message boards by updating the language, icons, and permissions.
  • All communication types can be toggled on or off at anytime to make sure you are collecting the right information at the right time.

Manage Privacy Settings

  • For each type of communication you can control posting, viewing and replying options.
  • Administrators decide if users can post anonymously and who the posts are visible to within the company.
  • Create unique groups for viewing and replying to communication to ensure the right eyes and ears have access.

Want to learn how Teamphoria’s communication features can impact your organization?