Teamphoria Discusses The Dreaded Self-Reviews

(And Why I Think You Should Make Your Employees Do Them.)

Let’s be clear, I just finished my annual performance self-review. We have an amazing HR team that trimmed down the process. The questions were thought-provoking and applicable; it was technically painless; and it took me less than an hour. Overall the process was flawless, but that doesn’t mean I liked it. (Yes, we are selling performance software, and I’m complaining about reviews… just stay with me here.)

I hate reviewing myself because it’s simply, really challenging. There’s a fine balance between sounding like a self-absorbed ego-maniac or like a self-loathing under-performer. Talking about yourself is awkward. It just is. You are literally asked to list all of the reasons you think you are awesome. I got locked out of my house and had to nap in my car for an hour yesterday. That’s me. I rarely feel awesome. So, when it comes time for your self-review this year, here’s my advice:

  • Just do it. There was absolutely no reason I should have spent a week letting my anxiety build over it. I should have just poured myself a cup of tea (or hot toddy if you know me for real), read through the questions, and just set aside some time to finish it.
  • It’s OK to be good at your job. Don’t fear the 5. Obviously, don’t go overboard, but be honest. If you think you are particularly good at something, it’s probably because you are. Show a little confidence.
  • Give specific examples. Even if your boss is a cantankerous human being, it’s difficult to argue with facts. When you have the opportunity, include specific projects, awards, or employee recognition you’ve received. If you got data or quotes to back it up – even better!

Now that I’m done venting, I have to concede that reviewing yourself is actually a really helpful and important part of your professional growth. I highly recommend having your employees review themselves annually, or more often if it works for your organization. Here are a reasons self-evaluation is important:

  • Reflection is valuable. We barely ever look back, there’s just not enough time in the day. Taking time to look back on the past year is extremely insightful and beneficial. It’s impossible not to think, “Woah! Look at all that I’ve accomplished this year. I’m impressed.” You should be impressed.
  • It motivates you.When thinking through the year, it naturally leads to the “should-have, would-have, could-have” type thoughts. That’s a good thing! Use those opportunities to build energy and make improvements in the upcoming year.
  • No one knows you better than you. Reviews are all about communicating. If you and your manager disagree about something, this is your chance, don’t be afraid to talk it out. Review are meant to give you a voice – use it!

At the end of the day, annual performance reviews are not intended to be scary, daunting processes; they are supposed to be about professional growth. So quit your complaining (or maybe that’s just me) and embrace the opportunity to gloat just a little. You deserve it. Oh and remember that “technically painless” and totally easy annual performance review process I was talking about? That’s all thanks to Teamphoria‘s employee performance review software. Get started today!

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Amanda Strungs: Check the latest post posted by Amanda Strungs. Post is related to 360 performance review software,annual performance review template,culture,employee engagement,employee evaluation form..