(And Why I Think You Should Make Your Employees Do Them.) Let’s be clear, I just finished my annual performance self-review. We have an amazing HR team that trimmed down the process. The questions were thought-provoking and applicable; it was technically painless; and it took me less than an hour. Overall the process was flawless, Read More

I don’t mean to be a Negative Nancy, but I’m going to go there, let’s talk about the dark stuff. There’s no reason to sugar coat it; work is inherently stressful. There are deadlines, budgets, people, decisions – no matter how much you love your job, from time to time, there’s going to be something Read More

That’s right! We’ll be at the White House today for the Emerging Global Entrepreneurship Event where President Obama will recognize emerging global entrepreneurs and promote the Spark Global Entrepreneurship coalition. Additionally, the White House will name nine more top American entrepreneurs to be named as Presidential Ambassadors for Global Entrepreneurship. Speakers for the event will Read More

Happy National Employee Appreciation Day! Today’s the day created for your boss to shower you with gifts and employee recognition. And while we recommend a steady diet of digital employee recognition here at Teamphoria HQ, any attention from leadership is welcome. But in the employee recognition department, not all bosses are on the same page Read More

It’s 5:00 pm. You slam the laptop closed, race out the door, and start thinking about your evening. Let’s see… there’s dinner, soccer practice, laundry… let the games begin! Hold up – for two minutes. We promise it will be worth it. According to a study done by the University of Florida, stress level & Read More

As the weathers keeps warming up, it’s tough to ignore those school-is-almost-out jitters that never seem to go away no matter how many years you’ve been out of school. We know that summers are notoriously the most difficult months to stay focused, but we’ve got a challenge for you – maximize your time this summer! Read More

The new graduating class is about to join the workforce. Brace yourselves, folks. You are about to see some crazy dates come across the resumes on your desk. Born sometime around 1993, these young adults have only seen one President Bush in the Oval Office and have grown up on laptops and cell phones. Put Read More

I’ve never been one to follow the ways of the White House Budget very closely. Heck, I can barely manage my bank account, much less understand how on earth you begin to breakdown a $4 trillion budget request. However a recent article in the Washington Post, “Six ways the White House budget would affect federal Read More

So if you told me last week that I’d be writing about how the random reptile in our pond improved the company culture of our organization, I would have responded with, “Are you on crack?” because really… really… what are the chances of an alligator in our pond? And why on earth would it have Read More

It’s a brand new year, a fresh start! Blogs and social media are filled with inspirational articles and posts about sticking to your new year’s resolutions and starting off the year on the right foot. While I appreciate their spirit and effort, I’m going to rain on their parade. Resolutions just aren’t for me. I’ve Read More