9 Tips to Keep the Employee Recognition Flowing in Teamphoria

It doesn’t matter if your employee recognition program is rewards-based, digital, or done in skywriting, it still takes continuous effort to keep everyone dishing out the praise. When an employee recognition program first launches at a company, the enthusiasm can quickly wane due to fatigue, busyness, and lack of follow-through. To be successful, companies have to make employee recognition part of coming to work.

It’s worth it to find ways to keep people thinking about the high-fives and fist bumps: When team members are recognized, they are happier, perform better, and ultimately make their company more successful. I’m no rocket surgeon, but a little effort here will go a long way.

Digital Employee Recognition Lives Forever

In a world of webisodes, tweets, and snapchats, it seems like digital content is more fleeting than ever – here today, gone tomorrow. But with software emerging as a viable solution, we now have an easy way to keep employee recognition programs top-of-mind through sharing, presentations, and reporting.

If you’re thinking about starting a new employee recognition program or just breathing life into an existing one, here are nine ways to keep the keep the praise flowing at your organization:

  1. Find a Champion — Ownership is key with any employee recognition program, so find someone willing to lead the charge, rally the troops, and communicate the results.
  2. Get Everyone Participating — For a peer-to-peer recognition program to work, everyone needs to get in on the action. Team members need to be giving each other frequent employee recognition, and that goes for leadership too.
  3. Celebrate Publicly — Employee recognition can be used as a way to call people out at company meetings, team gatherings, and special occasions. Reading employee-written and given recognition provides a great source for honest, authentic employee communication that will encourage more of the same.
  4. Integrate the Data Into Reviews — Once people know that employee recognition they receive AND give will be pulled into their annual performance review, they’ll be way more likely to participate. Don’t make it scary, and people will embrace it.
  5. Display Employee Recognition on Monitors — Seeing your name on a huge LCD in the lobby feels good, and digital employee recognition software often has a presentation mode that can be sent to a monitor. Walking by all that love will make you want to give a little yourself.
  6. Share on Social Media — If you make your digital employee recognition easily sharable outside the company on social media, you’ll not only build a strong employer brand, you’ll subtly encourage more praise to be sent.
  7. Show it Off — Print it, hang it, repeat it! Digital sometimes can go analog, and making it easy for people to print and hang employee recognition at their desks or in their offices is an organic way to remind people that it’s important.
  8. Remind Your Team — Your employee recognition program needs to be a part of everyday life if it’s last, so hang posters, send emails, make announcements, and drop hints – it’s hard to over communicate here.
  9. Recognize Recognition — Champions are important to not only evangelize your program, but to give lots of employee recognition themselves. Be sure to honor the people who actually give the most recognition too.

There are so many ways to keep an employee recognition program going, but at the end of the day it needs to be a part of your company culture. Employees that are engaged in their workplace culture, and a big part of that is recognizing their peers, will ultimately make your business more successful. Ready to get your employee recognition going? Sign Up for Teamphoria employee recognition software today!

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Looking to digitize your employee recognition program?

Teamphoria’s employee recognition engine can get your team sharing the love! Teamphoria is employee engagement and company culture management software that provides employee recognition, employee communication, and performance management for your entire company.

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